- But that was all so fake and pretend. 但这都是多么的虚伪和假装。
- I think the skin is fake and is leatheroid! 我看皮都是假的人造革!
- There are fake and real in life, yet love is the everlasting truth. 任凭人生是真是假,用爱相待却是永远的事实。
- Police speeded up to fight against fake and inferior goods. 警方加快打假步伐。
- The fake and shoddy goods gave rise to the consumers'complaints. 假冒伪劣商品引起了消费者的投诉。
- What shall we do when we purchased fake and inferior seeds? 购买了假劣种子怎么办?
- I thought he was a priest but he was a fake and robbed me. 我以为他是一位神父,原来他是冒牌的,而且还抢劫了我。
- Those who make and produce fake and inferior should be chastise. 那些制造和生产假冒伪劣商品的人应该受到严惩.
- Well, fake and more durable suede, but nice, nonetheless. 那么,虚假和更持久的麂皮绒,但不错,不过。
- It's all fake and unattainable, but nobody seems to get it. 实际上都是假的和做不到的。但似乎没人明白。
- The fake and shoddy goods gave rise to the consumers complaints. 假冒伪劣商品引起了 消费者的投诉.
- The fight against pornography, illegal publications and piracy shall be continued. 继续开展扫黄打非。
- Needless to say the remaining rings are fake and the victim looses their money. 结果,其他戒指都是假的,受害人白白浪费金钱。
- Fake and low-quality products have disillusioned customers in China. 假冒伪劣商品使中国的消费者饱受其害,并最终醒悟。
- They both had done too much rehearsing and it came of fake and contrived . 他们都做了太多的演练,而实际上都是装腔作势。
- Intellectual property rights must be protected more effectively and piracy and patent infringement must be punished in accordance with the law. 要加大知识产权保护力度,依法惩处盗版侵权行为。
- Those persons who produced fake and inferior commodities should be chastised . 那些制造和生产假冒伪劣商品的人应该受到严惩.
- Silk Street used to be full of fakes and imitations. 秀水街原来都是假货和仿制品。
- The Delegation disagreed and reiterated that counterfeiting and piracy hindered development and were closely related to IP and economic growth. 该代表团不同意这一观点,重申假冒和盗版妨碍了发展,与知识产权和经济增长密切相关。
- Ignoring application protection increases the risk to your organization in the form of intellectual property theft, hacking, and piracy. 忽视应用程序保护会增加您的组织将面临的各种风险,包括知识产权失窃、破解和盗版等。